Monday 1 July 2013

Egypt needs only 15mins, not neccessary 48 hrs, to get it right

Very simply and briefly, the one who wishes to be the Caliph ( President ) of Islamic Republic Egypt only needs to focus upon the common goals that all human shares - justice, peace, love, equality, shared prosperity, responsible freedom, and progress to evolve the nation to the next level.

Regardless if it is the Islamists Muslim Brotherhood or the secularists egyptian muslims, ALL needs a nation based upon rule of law to grow.

As majority of them are muslims, thus the application of Islamic laws is best suited to them.

HOWEVER, Islam was meant to progress and not regress arabs, as envisioned by the prophet whom had taught civilisation to the barbaric arabs.

The reversion to 7th century laws will not be able to progress the nation now in the 21st century, as the population are no longer uneducated, normadic and living in a barbaric world.

Much of mankind had evolved, through trial and errors, realized the best system of governance is one that is based upon principles of human rights and rule of law.

This was exactly what prophet Muhammad had taught, only that back then, the new converts from barbaric societies did not comprehend what democracy is. BUT NOT TODAY. And thus the widespread demostration by muslims in Egypt.

President Mursi's mistake was that he allowed Koran fundamentalists with their misinterpretations to lead, to return to 7th century style of life which will only destroy both Egypt and Islam.

To be a muslim, it is not enough to be able to read the sacred Koran. One must be able to COMPREHEND its principles, not  context, as well as studying the LIFETIME of the prophet on how he succeeded. 

The prophet did not meet with success with his first attempts to convert the arabs. Only women and slaves supported his teachings. He had to flee from Mecca when others were against his beliefs.

In the desert, due to his teachings, he was deemed a wise man and was made/elected an arbitar of the many differnt groups with many differences living together as one tribe. 

This was the first act as a leader of humanity - the capability to win others respect and making of wise decisions, not for self, but for the whole.

He quickly gained respect and esteem in the desert, and many joined him on his own free will even while back them, breaking off from one's tribe is considered exile, even others from his previous tribe in Mecca, and overtime, he became the leader of a nation who united and civilised the arabs.

The second act he did as a leader was to provide for his expanding tribe - economics.

The harsh land was unsuitable for mass crop cultivation, and robbing caravans was an honest way for survival back, the way bank institutions are allowed to rob depositors today.

It was all done civilly, often with none hurt, and even given water and directions to the next oasis with less baggage to carry. 

Many of the muslims then were not trained in such exploits, and thus the prophet had to perform the third act - teach them skills so that they can survive. 

Today, there is no need for Egyptians to go into caravan robbing. There is enough wealth and opportunity for all to share. To follow the prophet, it's the PRINCIPLES and not the contextual forms.

There is oil wealth in Egypt, but not enough for all. New citizens are born and they must be provided for with opportunities in life to meet the goals ALL humans aspire. 

It can be done, and it lays only in better economic research.

Education is the key, but for the short term and critical need for the massive unemployed adults - upgrading of skills is important now. 

They must be taught relevant technical skills to earn a living. Agriculture and mining must be upgraded to ensure max productivity so that with increases, so too will pay be. 

Investors can be enticed to invest in Egypt, so long as their principle needs are met - safety, rule of law, skilled and relevant labor operators, and low manufacturing/production costs.

Corruption is NOT a way of life, and it can be tackled. Better education, regulations for a level playing field, better pay, efficient and accountant trained checkers/enforcers, encouragement and protection of whistleblowing, appropriate punishment for offenders high or low, etc.

These are only a very few examples of what can be done.

No one, not even the muslim brotherhood, wants Egypt to remain in chaos in forever, or the secularists allow tyranny ever to reign, Thus both parties do share common grounds. 

It is only the conceptualization and implementation that will pose a problem, but not impossible to overcome, for nothing is impossible to humans if the will is there, as examplified by the prophet.

A society begins with a set of laws - the Constitution - setting the parameters whereby ALL can agree upon and abide by.

It can begin with basic principles as a start, so that it can define the role and responsiblities of the elected executive, legislators and judiciary to build upon later. 

And such basic principles can be defined by wise men within UN. No matter the forms of worship, we mankind had only been worshipping the same common Creator who is known by many names across time and space, and it had been His moral and ethical guidelines that majority of living mankind had followed.

Those who don't follow, are already dead, are failed states, or are dying soon. 

I wish my fellow human brothers and sisters in Egypt good luck.