Friday 19 July 2013

Syria: Current strategy

To: FSA Commander & Allies

What happens when a 3 cornered fight happens - Brutal Regime, Cruel ambitious Jihadists and mass population armed Rebellion?

History often gives us mankind lessons to progress and evolve from past mistakes. One of such history relevant for the current situation in Syria would be China during the 40s.

The Chinese Communists were keen to rule China after the overthrow of the Ching Empire and death of China's revolution leader Sun Yat Sing, using Karl Marx doctrines - socialism and using the masses as a strength to win power.

The Nationalist Koumingtang too were keen to rule China, but using american liberalism with further collaboration using rich elites to help control and maintain the masses.

Into this mix came an advance nation - Japan,who was hungry for the immense wealth of China. 

The Koumingtang had the best equipment then that USA freely supplied to fight the japanese, while the communists were distrusted by the West and not supplied militarily, nor by Stalin. 

When the Japanese Imperial Army invaders came, the 2 chinese groups swore and made noises of banding up to fight the japanese together, to its audiences - the rich and the masses. 

But in the end, only Koumingtang, with its superior weapons supplied by the west, was fighting the mighty kamakazie japanese, WHILE the communist under Mao, was led into mountain strongholds to hide, even amongst the villagers, to preserve their troops and arms, discipline indoctrination and trainning given to new recruits found. They did nothing to fight the japanese except for token forces to keep up the illusion for the justification of more arms. 

When WW2 ended, the japanese surrendered, and a Koumingtang army DECIMATED from the fight, the Communists plunged down from their mountain hideouts and booted the Koumingtang to the sea, never to return.

What does this lesson holds for the FSA and overseas supporters? May the FSA commanders spend some time meeting up with others around the world to gain better knowledge. War is not just about fighting and killing, but LONG TERM STRATEGY. And knowledge is true power, to progress and evolve mankind egalitarianly.