Friday 5 July 2013

Egypt: Political Islam had failed? No, only Mursi & MB had failed

Islam is synonomous with Democracy. Prophet Muhammad left no heir, nor appointed ANYONE as his successor. Imans were only teachers of Koran to the community, and the community was expected to stand on its own by following the moral and ethical guidelines taught.

Ali, who was a good man and his kinsman, was only recommended by him to head the Ummah, when the prophet was near his end. However, he still left it to the Will of Allah, and never did he appointed Ali.

Misinterpretations by the ignorant and ill educated barbaric arabs just turned civilised by the prophet abounds, even until today.

The head of the Ummah, or Caliph-successor of the prophet, or President, is to be elected by the community ( Ummah-all muslims and citizens living in Arabia then)

This is a DEMOCRATIC process.

There were times when the prophet faced mutinies. He did not whip out a sword and cut down his opponents, provoke them or resorted to tricks. He used the force of his persuasion, logic and reason to change their minds, such as the time when he made the hajj to hostile Mecca the first time.

Many muslims could not accept the terms set by the Quraysh of Mecca, but the prophet was not afraid or find it insulting his pride, for he had no self pride, as he long already surrendered his own will to the will of Allah.

His followers were ready to rebel, but the prophet went on his own to comply with the terms, which in no way did it compel him to forsake his religion, but only to forsake his own pride. 

He forced no one to follow. But one by one, the rest ashamed, followed, for if the divine messenger can do it, how less can mortals be if they were to subscribe to the faith?. 

There were times when even the prophet made mistakes, but he never failed to correct them and progress, such as the time when the new immigrants to Medina created a mess on caravan raids to provide for themselves, he took stock, realized that bookkeepers, shopkeepers, etc needed training, and was given. 

During an earlier time in Mecca before his exile, the Quraysh tried to reconcile his beliefs with the pagan beliefs. He agreed, but was questioned by Allah later, and realized his error, and told the barbarians correctly that Islam will not be compromised by paganism.

 During his exile from Mecca, he was the arbitrator of the tribes in Yathrib. He reconciled those fighting factions using the moral and ethical guidelines of the Koran and was respected and esteemed.

With new immigrants from Mecca who came to join him, he help and provided for their basic needs. 

The prophet did not just feed them words from the Koran on a pedestal, but actually took an active guiding role as a leader to the muslims and a role model for ALL future generations of Caliphs/Presidents/head of Ummah.

The prophet is a divine messenger, but he took pains to explain that he is only a mortal. However, he warned that he is the last divine messenger and no other will come. Anyone else who say himself is another, or claims to have divine messages, is a liar and blaphemous.

All human being are flawed. Mursi IS NOT a divine messenger, or has anything divine. He is but a mortal elected to head the community/nation.

While he is not expected to be of the standard of the prophet, who faced FAR MORE GREATER odds, Mursi is expected to perform at least the basic functions as head of the community - reconcilliate the differing factions and providing for them.

There ARE NO excuses that Mursi can claimed to have inherited great odds. The prophet faced brutal barbarians, warring tribes and desert lands for economy, but Mursi faces only fellow muslims and a rich arable land, with resources and intelligent, capable and hardworking workforce who needed a capable leader to resolve their social and economic issues.

Yet he and the Muslim Brotherhood failed to accomplish anything, except to seize supreme power ( that even the prophet did not do despite his power as a divine messenger to do so,) and only united all factions against him, even muslims. 

If he is allowed to continue on, he may even destroy islam in Egypt as he and gang is out of touch with realities and the people, a mistake the prophet never made. 

And thus he and MB must go, not to death, but to acknowledge their errors, correct them and try again. Rome is not built in a day, soo too Egypt if political Islam is be practised. 

Islam is never meant to be authoritarian, or tyrannical dictatorship. Prophet Muhammad was never one nor had he taught muslims to be such. 

Islam is about peace and coexistance with others sharing our world, and a way of life following Allah's moral and ethical guidelines taught by the prophet to convince others with free will to go on a better and enlightened path.

Thus, for any muslim to stray away from democracy, the duties and responsiblities of democracy, acknowledgement of errors to correct oneself and keep the peace, he/she is only committing blasphemy and apostacy.

Let the blasphemous talk of 'democracy had failed Islam' end. Democracy had not failed Islam. Only Mursi and MB had failed Islam, and misused Democracy as they had misused Islam for power.

Democracy, like Islam, is MORE THAN just a name that MB had freely thrashed about. It carries with it responsibilities and duties that must be fulfilled in order to make it work in our flawed world.

If it is not fulfilled, it is not democracy that failed. Only mortal men such as Mursi and MB had failed.