Wednesday 3 July 2013

Muslim Brotherhood and Mursi fears 'legitimacy' and ballot box ?

Every day for the past 1 year, MB and Mursi had claimed they were 'democratically' elected, they are 'legitimate' and they will shed their blood to protect such 'legitimacy' and 'democracy'-or at least their version of it.

It is true that Mursi had been democratically elected, but how many of the 90 million citizens voted for him? less than 20 million.

We will not quibble over it, as whoever passes the post with the most vote gets to become the 'legitimate' President, and those who did not vote, or voted wrongly due to lack of choice, have only themselves to be blamed.

However, what TRULY matters - is what had he done as a President?

The People did not vote for flower vase. They voted for someone who can resolve the dire situation facing the nation - social and economic issues.

While it is true no MORTAL would have been able to resolve everything, but UNFORTUNATELY, in the case of Mursi, he FAILED to RECONCILLIATE ALL differing groups within the nation, which is crucial as a FIRST task for nation building, for all to set aside differences and work towards common goals all cherish.

He made many promises, which are only hot air as all were not kept. Worse, he seized all power to himself, to approve a constitution not agreed by the nation except by his party, meddled with the judiciary and military, while the masses starved. 

For months, he refused to reconcilliate, but preferred to dictate, and blamed others for refusing to work with him when such cooperation meant obeying and following only his orders, and he listens to nothing or only making more hot air promises.

Such will NOT work, even if he continues on for a full 4 year time. He and his party will enjoy the sun, but the masses will starved to death.

And thus, with social malaise and economic woes, it is a no brainer the masses took to the streets. Mursi FAILED to perform, and just like any equal human in a democratic state, he either resigns or be sacked, so that another can take his place

Now that issues had come to a head, a transitional govt is the only option left - to create a basic constitution and define the role and responsibilities of the govt -president, legislatives and judiciary, and then call for proper elections.

The MB and even Mursi should NOT be afraid of new elections, if they TRULY believed in democracy and legitimacy by the vote, and the right of the MAJORITY People to remove those who failed to perform.

 As they believe that Mursi is the 'legitimate' President in the democracy, then WHY are the afraid of any further election to prove once and for all that Egyptians loved Mursi and the MB?

They could still win if that's true, unless of course, Mursi and MB had been lying?

However, should the MB decides to WRECK the solution to the crisis by using violence and threats of violence, and even acts of violence upon innocent egyptians, then rest assured - THEY WILL NOT GET A CHANCE TO BE EVEN CONSIDERED FOR ELECTION, BUT BANNED AS A TERRORIST PARTY.

Thus, let there be no more further shedding of blood, or mayrtrs, or any form of violence or intimidation. TRUE DEMOCRACY is meant to avert such. All humans have common goals in life, and need not kill one another, only to find common grounds all can stand upon and share space inclusively for life to progress and evolve, as prophet Muhammad had intended. 

( May the MB party tweet to its followers to REFRAIN from ANY violence immediately, and equally too all political parties as well. Anyone who committed act or acts of violence WILL BE hunted down across time and space. There is no where to hide.)