Thursday 11 July 2013

Egypt: Murderers of Egyptians, sunni/shia muslims, christians, etc MUST BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE!

Today, MB thugs had murdered christians- children of the book, and claim that they will stop if Pharoh Musi is returned and reinstated as the slacker President.

There can be NO NEGOTIATIONS with these animals, because they will be EMBOLDENED to DEMAND even more if they think they can get away with cold blooded murder and terrorism against innocent civilians, as they had incited foolish MB followers to become body shields for their own climb to personal glory, & NOT glory for Allah, nation and Egyptian Ummah/Community.

They will continue to kill ANY human, as they had tasted blood, the way an animal will never give up after tasting flesh & blood.

They defame Islam and Man, and must be tracked and hunted down, no matter how long it takes, to face justice to show that NONE will be spared if such a road is taken, BUT ONLY them & their masterminds, NO ONE else. Only the guilty must pay, not the innocent.

Every human life is precious and means something special to another, and we each human have only common aspirations - love, peace, justice, equality, shared prosperity, responsible freedom and progress for evolution.

NONE needs to be a human sacrifice for another, or to die so that another may gain selfish aims.

Prophet Muhammad had NEVER shirked from doing his duty as a leader, to give out harsh punishments to those whom proven themselves beyond humanity, such as the betrayals,not to him, but to the Community, such as the time when certain tribes betrayed the campaign during the fight with the Quraysh for Mecca, regardless if foreigner or muslim.

Neither must the authority of the nation - given, supported and trusted with arms and power to protect the Community,  shirk from his duty. Those animals must be apprehended ASAP, or only more will happen that will cause chaos and instability to the land.

It is common that after a revolution, there will be minority elements whom will resort to violence upon innocents to get what they want, and will try to get the sympathy card by calling it repression from those who seek for justice upon them, to get international support from the foolish & the ignorant.

But it is not repression & neither must the community be fooled to think such. It is only plain outright intentional murder. A crime is a crime and they must be stopped. 

It will need the help of the ENTIRE COMMUNITY as well, as those animals hide amongst us all.

Any father, mother, brother, sister, relatives, or friends of such animals must inform the Ummah of who they are and what they had done, so that actions can be taken to remove them from humanity and face justice. 

Let not any of our innocent deaths be in vain, for we would have died for the sake of chaos, and are only victims of a revolution whereby the criminal and the evil hope to win with such murders. 

Let our deaths be a greater awareness to the community, so that they be forewarned, be prepared, and not become victims, but be fighters to apprehend them and bring them to justice.

There are more of us than there are of them. We mankind will win in the end.
