Sunday, 30 June 2013

Traitor Snowden's EU spying leak idiocy

In public, EU ministers will rant and rave with saliva frothing from the mouth over the 'disgusting' spying of friends, BUT behind closed doors, they are laughing outright at public's perception and the naive traitor Snowden's supposed revelations.

We DO NOT live in disneyland today.

No one TRUSTS another's own blood brother 101% today, let alone politicians and nations.

The public outrage had only been for EU public consumption, to show that they do not engage in such activities when the REALITY is that they had equally done so for decades, even upon their own citizens and WITHOUT even judiciary or congressional oversight, evident with their often quick response to terrorist threats and even political opponents.

And their private laughter is because the NAIVE FOOLISH traitor Snowden is the one who revealed USA's doings, while EU's spies had at least a bit more intelligence to not spill the beans to their own public over their own doings. 

The public charade of outrage will go on for a few more days, and then as usual, biz back to usual for ALL sides.

Amongst many, a few of the critical reasons why US intelligence  need to spy on EU is because:-

1. EU is a sovereign group and makes foreign and national policies on its own, and often, at loggerheads with US policies, such as drugs, trade, homosexuality, international sanctions, etc.

Thus US, like EU, would like to understand what each party thinks privately on those issues, to find common grounds so as to agree, or at least, to protect both national interests for the sake of its own citizens.

2. A vital aspect of difference and is of a more critical importance is EU's support of the terrorist persian funded group Hizbollah.

Even though US had blacklisted that group based upon evidences of their atrocities to innocent men, women and children around our world, even in europe, EU, had REFUSED to blacklist them, and without blacklist, the Hizbollahs freely moved in EU to plan and attack innocents in our world.

No one knows who the Hizbollahs are, as they hide amongst us all. It could be the observant road sweeper, or the aide to the EU PM himself, influencing or relaying vital information back to his brother terrorists. 

Thus NSA's involvement - to do what EU had failed to do in Europe's usual liberal and dreamy ways, so as to protect our world, including passing on of critical terrorist information to EU's , own liberal and inept spy agencies,  vital information of which had been shared by US to them and world over the past decade and more..

NSA is not interested in anything else, except for the scope that they had been judically allowed for - terrorism and crimes against humanity, so EU officials can continue with their immoral or corrupt ways without fear, and needs no moral hypocrital outrage of US intelligence's spying.

3. Our world is highly concerned with Iran's continued belligerance over its nuke programmes. Much of the hardware and software do not come from russia and north korea alone.

Many of its advanced parts and instruments came  from EU. 

Despite a sanction in place over Iran, many of such systems had been shipped to Iran, and thus a need to figure what and who had been behind it in EU, to stop them. 

Thus,if the foolish and naive Snowden thinks that his leak will embarass US and push himself to the rarified air of being a hero, and most importantly for his own survival, he had only been delusional and village idiotic of how the real world works. 

EU and US are only laughing in private, but traitor Snowden had just proven himself a notch higher on the danger to humanity list. His revelations will not help anyone except the enemies of europe and our world, as well as only to help terrorist organisations to search for better cryptograhers to encode their communications of death to others.