Friday 12 July 2013

Egypt: Still stuck at the propagada of coup or REVOLUTION?

The political group -Muslim Brotherhood and a few fools who DARE call themselves 'acadamicians' who teach new generations, continues to claim that it was a military coup against a democratically elected leader.

Wake up.

During the French Revolution, it was the masses who rose up and overthrew the Sun King, but not without military help, Yet it was called a Revolution.

In the fight for the independence of USA against Parliamentary England, it had been the professional military help of the French who supplied arms,tech expertise, citizens and ships to the Rebellion farmers/traders, and called the american revolution, not a coup.

In Egypt, the military are made up of the PEOPLE, and are not foreigners.

The military are supposed to have their weapon pointing outwards, towards foreign enemies, and NEVER meant to point inwards at their own citizens. Thus their refusal to support Pharoh Mursi against their own families, relatives and friends, by offering to point the weapons at the Pharoh as it had done to dictator Mubarack. 

Mursi being democratically elected, chose to discard every rule of democracy, seized power and became the dictator with supreme powers, similiar with Khomeni who after the Iranian Revolution of '79, seized supreme ETERNAL power.

The Egyptian masses thus have a genuine concern,for it had happened before and do not want the same happen in Egypt.

Worse, with such powers, he failed to alleviate the pain and suffering of the masses, proving himself incompetent.

Food and security are the basic needs of the population. He and MB failed to get things done. Now, MB called for civil disobedience, but what can MB offer?

It is only capable of false promises, as proven time and time again for decades - death and starvation to all.

Is this what ALL Egyptians want? It's your freedom of choice, just don't regret what you had done to yourself, your loved ones and the nation when you choose for death and outright starvation, not just fasting from sunrise to sunset only.

Millions chosed to boot out the tyrant. Being 'democratically elect' does not mean one has the fullest power to do as they wish. That's not democracy and best MB comprehends it before mouthing yet foolishly on what democracy is. Politics is not as easily misinterpretated as they had done to Islam teachings.

The elephant in the room is the military which many either ignores or dares not speak out.

Mursi failed to reconcillate with them, and instead sought to undermine the military as taught by turkey's PM. Turkey could do it, because PM Erdogan took his time to build up his base - WITHIN govt. Mursi did not, and MB being too ambitious, caused its downfall today.

None likes military rule, as it is often seem as authoritarian and respects no democracy, for it is an organisation built upon principles of survival and pragmatism to get things done, unlike civil organisations whom are based upon idealisms and at times impractical for the short term.

But fact is, in Egypt, the military is well liked and institutionalised, with patronage in every sector of society that sought for growth and stability.

However, it is not dictatorial, in the sense that it often lets civil administrators manage the country the way a Caliph would, until it screws up as Mulbarack and Mursi had done and would not be supported.

With its power and might, they will not surrender easily, more so because they equally are muslims, are moderates and believe fully that they are the final arbitrators between peace and chaos in the land, and had honestly been more a force of good in Egypt, unlike other selfish military forces such as those in africa. 

There need NO confrontation with the military, only positive engagement with HONESTY AND SINCERITY, not MB lies, and over time, even a piece of stone can be worn down, as the military junta in Burma had worn down today for the democratic good of citizens.

Mursi and MB were too ambitious and impatient, and thus their fall & failures. The Islamic Noour party seemed to have far better wisdom, sees long term to help Egyptians follow the moral and ethical path as taught by the prophet without antagonizing the military unnecessarily and confrontationally.

Ultimately, ALL parties are only fellow Egyptians - military or politics, and do have common grounds to work on based upon the aspirations of all humankind.

Reconciliation is how an elected adapts to the current system of realities in Egypt if his motives are pure, and work slowly within the system for change, not overnight, but overtime. 

There is no need to bang one's head against a wall. The head is not made for that. It is made to think, to plan, to conceptualise and follow through over time.

Politics are not for kids & naive academics who call such post as mine as military apologists. There are only realities one must confront daily, and to make the best of everything to pursue a goal.

When one is dished with lemons in life, the courageous one does not cry or blame others, but makes lemonades out of it for life. 

May MB grow up, give up on its human sacrificings and attention whoring theatrics, and rejoin the pratical democratic process if it seeks to pursue a true Islamic agenda, slowly over time as the prophet had taught and done - winning hearts and minds and not by stupid schoolyard tactics and belligerances. Conqest for a paradise on Earth is not going to be easy, as proven by centuries of our human civilisation. 

Viva la Egyptian REVOLUTION!