Saturday 27 July 2013

Egypt: Ending MB's Arrogance at Rabba Square WITHOUT bloodshed

Muslim Brotherhood and its followers had claimed to higher moral ground in its protests, attesting to the divine & tyranny of Egyptians in the guise of 'democracy'.

Thus the solution to their arrogances are not by more bloodshed, as they believe in shedding blood of their misguided followers is the way forward to acheive their JAHILIYYAH way, which was what Prophet Muhammad had tried SO HARD to eradicate amongst his fellow barbaric arabs during his lifetime.

The way:- is to SEAL up Rabba Square. This is already done illegally by private citizens Power Lusting MB with blocks of stone and weapons to prevent the muslim military headed by Gen Sisi to enter.

All the military needs to do is to help ensure that NO more may enter the square. Give them a time frame so that their supporters, the twitter/facebook/media lapdogs can join them inside. And when the time frame is up, no one else will be allowed to enter.

Let those apostates prove their faith to their god Morsi. Let those sinners of SLOTH whom had stained Rabba Mosque, rot there for all they want.

It is their choice. No man must stand between one & his god. This is their faith, then let them be, while the rest and majority of hardworking Egypt continue in peace and progress to live, work and provide for their loved ones.

Water supply, electricity, food, medical aid and all else, even communications will be cut off from those within Rabba square. Their false god will sustain them, such is their faith.

Egypt can live without Rabba Square, as the land of Egypt is big, but cannot live with terrorists and violence. Sealing up Rabba Square is only a small price to pay, than any other alternatives.

Human Rights groups and charity organisations must not interfere between them and their faith, thus they will NOT be allowed in or communications with them.

Egypt respects free will of citizens to sit in and protest, but beyond that, there is no requirement to honor any other requests, more so for a misguided theological belief protest. 

They wish to return to 7th century trappings, then let them be. Caliph Abu Bakr knew what to do harshly with heretics and apostates.Thus the apostates of today in Egypt should be glad that they live in a modern and enlightened era whereby choice is respected.  

However, anyone who wishes to leave, should be allowed to do so upon humanitarian grounds, upon swearing an oath, with photo and ID taken, to never wage war upon society again and never to return inside the sullied grounds of Rabba stained by MB.

This way, no blood will be shed, as any death will be their own and free will, and none to be blamed except their 'infallible god Morsi.

There are NO other gods except Allah!