Tuesday 2 July 2013

Egypt: The Military ARE the PEOPLE's Army, not the govt's.

The democratically elected President Mursi may claimed to be the Commander-in-Chief of the military forces, but BEST he remembers WHERE his powers came from.

It came from the PEOPLE, the same masses who went to the ballot boxes and now are out in the streets demostrating against him. 

What the PEOPLE can give, the People can take back. That's democracy. Respect must be earned before the existance of followers, more so in Islam.

President Mursi may be the commander, but it IS the People that makes up the military, the same voters and the same members of families whom they had sworned to serve and protect, are out on the streets protesting against him. 

What President Mursi will end up is only skeleton troops - of officers but without troops, along with the few radical islamists, to challenge the power of the 90 million masses. It need not come to civil war, and must be avoided. All are only muslims and fellow humans who only wants to live in peace and achievement of human goals. 

In the year 628, prophet Muhammad was divinely guided to make the pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca. His followers longed to make that pilgramage, but they were banned by the Quraysh who controlled Mecca, because the muslims had been wrecking havoc on their caravans.

Many fear trouble and death if they go, and chose to stay behind. The prophet had no fear, and knew that it is a confrontation that cannot be avoided if Islam was to gain legitamcy in Arabia - by controlling the city of cities and centre of legal commerce and economic trade - Mecca. 

He forced no one, but 1000 followed him. He forbade the carrying of arms, as no arms were allowed in the holy city. Upon reaching Mecca, the Quraysh prepared to go against tradition of never to harm any arab making a pilgrimage to Mecca, armed their forces to strike at the muslims. 

The muslims were frightened, but the prophet was not. He sent an ambassador to negotiate, and to show that they carried no arms and meant no harm.

The Quraysh were not mollified, but other tribal leaders disagreed with going against tradition. The prophet and his followers must be allowed in. They won, but the Quraysh set insulting terms for a treaty to the muslims. 

The prophet agreed to the terms, but the other muslims were not and was prepared to mutiny against him, espacially impetous and aggressive Uma - one of his 'close companions'-the forerunner of Salufists, Fundamentalists and Jihadists.

The prophet stood alone, but courageously, he led by example, as always, and performed one of the terms of treaty - shaving his head bare. He did so for he had the fullest faith in Allah and is only doing His Will. 

The others were stunned, but slowly they followed, and soon all abided by the treaty, and were allowed into the holy city - unharmed. The Quraysh were equally stunned, and awed, that the muslims would accept those insulting terms. 

And the rest is history of how the prophet won Mecca, bit by bit and legitimacy of Islam that lasted even today. 

If President Mursi wishes for legitimacy for his rule, it would be better if he lead by example - be honest with his promises he made to the voters. 

One year had passed and had only proven his promises were hot air, and worse, a nation fully divided. 

His words are no longer worth anything and that's why the People are asking for his resignation, as he had done practically nothing and resolved nothing.

Best he resign and let another more capable to form a transitional govt to form and firm up first the constitution, roles and responsibilities of executives, legislatives and judiciaries before any election takes place, unless he thinks he deserves a second chance, this time with meaningful and peaceful actions, instead of Uma's style impestousity, anger and belligerances. 

The People need meaningful help and actions, not words. Religion - moral and ethical guidelines are fine, but religion alone is NOT going to resolve economic and social issues, espacially 7th century styled that pit against modern of advances in tech, medical and neuro-science, and social political progresses, after 1200+ years of mistakes and getting up again, resolving never to make the same mistakes again. 

 Egypt and Egyptians - the first known recorded civilisation with archeological records left on Earth - deserves better than this current misery.