Wednesday 10 July 2013

Egypt: Sustainable Economy takes Priority

1. Muslim Brotherhood's continued belligerances is not helping the livelihoods of Egyptian in any way. The constant refrain of demanding Pharoh Mursi's return and reinstatement as President will not help as majority of Egyptians want his  power grabbing & incompetence to end.

One year may not be enough to turn the economy around, but with his lies & belligerances, he only made the economy WORSE with neglect, and thus the uprising.

MB claims the revolution is unconstitutional, but since when are revolutions by the PEOPLE ever constitutional?

Some fools claimed that the Pharoh can be 'constitutionally removed, but he refused every constitutional offer to resign, even in the face of facts, with the opposition trying, but all he did was to use the usual MB style of governance - sweet lies, nods of agreement, photo-op, shaking of hands, but once the backs are turned, every promise ignored. 

Thus the only way to remove a Pharoh is by a revolution from the People. The military too are citizens, with nation, friends and families to protect, did not support tyrant Mubarack, and will not support Pharoh Mursi either.

2. If anyone cannot find political common grounds to stand on, then economic common ground is what that is left which ALL can stand on - None can survive without resources, no matter how pious one is.

MB had refused to cooperate for the sake of the nation, but as they are only a proven self seeking political party, they have that right to not participate and leave those willing to progress Egypt to do so. They no longer have a right to talk in the Community/Ummah of Egypt.

Egypt needs to move on, as a time table and road map towards stability and democracy after the toppling of a pharoh had been set, to adhere to. The community's livelihood is at stake.

Allah helps only those who are willing to help themselves to progress, not slackers.

Briefly, the FOCUS for the economy now will be:-

A.) Every single pound spent & CIRCULATED must see returns of at least 3 POUNDS, in tangible or intangible form, so that it can be sustainable to roll over for future.

I) Critical Industries Focus

Egyptian youths do not need all expense paid visits to disneyland or Nasa Space Centre, AND NEITHER does pious Muslims need another hundred Madrasahs or Mosques.

ENERGY & WATER industries are where funding should be spent on, as these are needs the Middle East will require for the next 20 years.

Solar energy and water purification/desalination plants require engineers, entreprenuers, investors, technicians and operators. It will create the most jobs for the young and the adults now if the switch to upgrade is made now.

Solar energy depends critically on its storage. All Egypt needs to improve is on such storage capacity of solar panels in order to be competitive to export those panels to local Middle East markets.

Water is the greatest concern in the tropical landmass, and there are initiatives on converting sea, river water into potable drinking water, and even using air - combining hydrogen and oxygen through chemical processes to get water. 

It can be done on a large scale as the market for water is HUGE in the middle east, bigger than oil. 

Thus, there is a future for generations of Egyptians to diversify and need not depend on oil or normadic culture. Today's Egypt is no longer 7th century Egypt, and will need better improvements in potico - socio-enconomics concepts to progress the larger population mass, not by 7th century style contextual qoutations, but evolution without losing moral and ethical principles. 

II) Hospitality:- A major source of great revenue if more creative and innovative improvements are made, with SAFETY of visitors GUARANTEED. Even Muslim Brotherhood need funds to run their party, let alone the millions whose livelihood depends on it daily.

Mess with it, and those guilty will be hunted down and exterminated.

III) Transportation:- discourage unimportant car use in cities as it causes traffic jams and loss in productivity by:-

a. Improving public transportation, such as using mounted cameras on board buses to catch guilty obstructioning vehicles on peak hour bus lanes.

b. Offering better incentives for city inhabitants to ditch car and use the Cairo Metro, such as cash rebates, discount fares, promotions, and even trading activities on the stations to attract passengers and earn revenue for the Metro to give incentives.

c. Set up peak hours toll booth on critical roads, so that only those who need to use those city roads will pay into a govt pool fund for it, WHILE those who don't need and can make arrangements to avoid being on those roads and even get cash incentives from those who do from the pooled funds. 

Concept - pay for better travel and those who do not use those roads during the peak hours are not neglected but rewarded for contribution to less traffic jams. 

d. Tax incentives for companies with fleet of vehicles IF they use their vehicles productively. You don't use an 18 wheeler truck to send a can of Coke to a customer. 

The incentive will help companies to plan better for profits AND not to contribute to traffic jams. 

IV) Rural Areas Incentives.

The govt must not ignore rural areas as it will cause discontent if they feel they had been neglected by the govt who focusses only on the cities. 

Energy and water are their basic critical needs. 

a. Use tech to find more underground reservoirs of water so that they may have access to such and better management for their crops and human uses.

b. China is practically giving away their solar panels, and thus the govt can buy from China cheaply, supply it to the rural areas for their energy needs, and then get back returns by charging them a small fee monthly to make up for the purchase upfront by the govt, which most villagers cannot afford to do so. 

This is a cheaper alternative to building costly energy grids to every district and province in Egypt.

With the RIGHT FOCUS, Egypt can get back on its feet quickly, as the people and resources are all ready. The political environment is the only problem, but NOT a hurdle, as it is a COMMON GROUND all can stand on. None can survive without resources. 

WIth money circulated from international loans to all Egyptians, the GDP will increase with economic activity and returns will be seen in the treasury as revenues for further future spending such as temporary food and fuel subsidies without taxing heavily upon citizens, but higer tax rates only on successful and rich enterprises, as well as determined govt oversight on corruption

As it is the time for Ramadan, a time of reflection and a time of meeting fellow muslims, it is also a time for sharing, discussion and debating the future of the community for pragmatic solution s to progress and evolve Egypt, peacefully

Praise be to Allah.