Wednesday 7 August 2013

Human Rights law a step before Divine Laws

A teacher cannot succeed in teaching a 5 yr old child the subject of Calculas or Astrobiology, simply because he lacks the necessary foundations of the 3 'r's-reading,writing & arithmatics, coupled with continued exercises to build up those foundations over time.

Similarly, for mankind to even comprehend Divine Laws, we would need at least some basic foundations of Human Rights Laws - principles of civilisation, before we can fully comprehend the Divine.

Our divine teachers had only limited lifetime to teach us, and very often, we flawed mortals often MISINTERPRETATE those laws by the many.

And thus, our empirical failures proven time and time again over centuries.

Therefore, we would need to slow down and reflect on how best we can evolve, by first understanding the very basics of civilisation - learning to live and work together for common aims with every diverse mortal, not by the sword, but by sharing, dialogue and discussions to find the way forward out of the jungles.

The golden rule of civilisation had always been 'do not do unto others what you do not wish others to do unto you'. This is the very basic civilisation trait we mankind must first learn and imprint upon our daily behaviour.

Next will be to never ever kill another fellow human being, for each life is precious and means something special to another, unless in defence of oneself and loved ones when all means of resolution had been tried and exhausted within the community.

Eversince the formation of the UN, mankind had tried to formulate common standands of behaviour to acheive progress and evolution. It is known as the Human Rights Charter.

Within that charter, it basically teaches us each and every Earthborn human, that no matter the differences such as religion, nation, white,black, etc, we all DO shares common aspirations. They are - equality, justice, peace, love, shared prosperity, responsible freedom & progress.

Those are the common grounds that all humankind can stand upon, inorder to resolve any conflict.

It is only when we adopt the Human Rights Charter as a society and nation, and governed by it, learn it by heart and make it a way of life, then can we ever hope to rise to the next step - Divine Laws.

Failure to do so will only result in our irresponsiblities to civilisation, apathy, stagnation and worse - regression back to the jungles.

Mankind had spent centuries trying to figure out Divine Laws. They are simple, but the complex minds of flawed mortals only tarnish them by the evil we do - corruption, lust, etc. It happened in all mainstream religion - Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, etc, and as such, we evolved slowly, far too slowly for the potential that is within each of us humankind.

Take Islam for example. For 1200+years, Shariah laws are still being defined, to relate to muslims and to the rest of mankind sharing our world in economics, science & tech, and even with its own growing population & wealth,or the lack of it.

There is NO complete agreement on how Koranic principles be applied in this modern century. Thus many used different interpretations, and often result in deadly consequences for others.

Even the prophet Muhammad knew that it will take time, a long time for the true comprehension of his teachings tasked by Allah, to the largely barbaric and uneducated arabs, and thus his final prophecy that one day, a new educated generation will comprehend those teachings as it was meant to be - societal inclusive principles to live by and not exclusive contextual guides to kill one another. 

It is the same with other religions sadly.

Therefore, there is a need for religion to reflect, and take a step back - learn, teach and use the Human Rights Charter as a way of life first, before we make that evolutionary step up.

It is time to grow up. We cannot be forever 5 year olds. We mankind have a destiny to fulfill - to the stars as one human race sharing common goals in life....