There IS a difference between a whistleblower and a traitor.
A whistleblower is someone who spills the beans on corruption and wrong doings of corporate and governmental agencies.
A TRAITOR is someone who gives NATIONAL secrets away to the enemies or foriegn powers.
We can respect whistleblowers for their courage and conscience, but we can NEVER applaud the deeds TRAITORS, for by their actions, they had warned off the enemies and let foreign nations know one's country's fullest capabilities.
The war continues on daily on Terrorism. It is not over, as terrorism still continues on daily around our world. It is an international fight, a fight by HUMANKIND against animals and wild beasts that had sought to slaughter innocent men, women and children.
The US Prism project was meant to help Mankind fight terrorism, within american laws that does not robs a man of his 4th amendment right, as no home was invaded, or computer or phone seized. Only the airwaves and data centres were tapped, and NO one can claimed to own the airwaves or data centres not allowed to be perused upon national security authorisation.
Most information obtained can only be used in the fight against terrorism, and nothing else used will be upheld by the law. Such info are then shared amongst allies, sometimes even to presumed foes, for no human will allow the slaying of innocent people - friend or foe.
Edward Snowden had oficially warned off the terrorists of what prism is doing and its capabilities, and now the terrorists are operating smarter. Prism will have to re-adjusted to ensure it works better, as the fight against terrorism had not ended yet.
Snowden is a traitor as he had stolen national secrets and data, and had divulge it to the UK press in China terroritory - HongKong and fled there, and now is presumed to be in Russia - a idealogically different nation than US and a previous foe of decades.
Even today while most are on bearable terms, neither China or Russia had open up on their secret capabilities over many projects that spans across many disciplines. They do not share it with our world.
But thanks to Snowden the Traitor, now China, Russia and terrorists are more aware of the capabilities of US in its cyberwarfare capabilities.
His co-conspirators are members of the Guardian newspaper journalists, whom had continued to publish US national secrets. UK is an ally of US and shares the fight against terorism.
What Snowden and the guardian journalists had done and anyone else who have access to the stolen material is akin to WW2 Allied war office employer and the national press informing NAZI GERMANY's HITLER on the time, date and location of the ENTIRE plans of the invasion of Allies into Europe, so that Hitler will be warned and plan his attacks more carefully - to kill as many allied soldiers maximum possible.
High time the UK govt put an end to further divulging of national secrets by the guardian journalists and agency eyeing hungrily for profits, at the expense of innocent men, women and children slayed by would be terrorists warned off by them.
They should be censured and Snowden the traitor face trial and justice.