Saturday, 22 June 2013

Brazil govt's actions, not words if end to protests is desired.

The Brazilian President's response to the protest bodes well for all Brazilians.

However, words are not enough, not when events have reached this impasse of genuine national discontent after years of suffering by the masses.

The Prez had agreed to cut fare increases, increase in budget for education, etc, etc, are good words, but only mear words and hot air.

What is needed are decisive actions to tackle the booming economy, to ensure that wealth is SHARED FAIRLY, need not necessarily be equal, to ALL brazilians. 

Oil forms a significant revenue for the govt, but the govt must not make the mistakes that the oil rich arab states had done over several decades - squandering it on weapons, religious supremacy and selfish hoarding instead of social spending to elevate its greatest potential resource - its citizens. 

Oil will not be forever, and thus the need for the brazilian govt to make hay while the sun still shines.

Education is good,but it is not universities alone that creates productive citizens. If everyone has a PHD, then who will become the entreprenuer, the plumber, the mechanic, the technician, the musician, etc?

Thus Education expenditure must be broadbased and based upon the needs for a fully functional society with skills taught from ALL levels - academic and technical including the arts.

Every human has a talent and a desire. There is no need to social engineer the top to be elites and the rest as slaves. Each human has a gift or gifts to contribute to the progress and evolution of Democratic Brazil and Mankind, if given the opportunity to do so, with help for those whom had fallen between the cracks to get up confidently again, so that NONE be left behind. 

Healthcare is important. The sick will drag down productivity and raise costs to the nation. Thus, health must be taken seriously at every stage of a human life to ensure he/she is fit physically and mentally at all times so as to be able to contribute to the nation.

Secondly, Healthcare costs must not be allowed to spiral out of control, beyond the reach of the masses whereby they will begin to believe that one best die than to be sick, as they do today. 

Research and productive efficiency must be strived for in the healthcare system with all attempts made to cut costs and waste at all times.

Security is a bugbear, but it CAN be tackled. Better funding and motivation for the officials, encouragement of whistle blowing on corrupted fellow members at all levels. The masses are sick and tired of the rampant crimes in Brazil whereby protection seems non-existant or responsible by the govt anymore.

Infrastructures such as roads and buildings, etc are great, but they MUST BE FUNCTIONAL, not roads that lead to nowhere or useless monuments of delusional granduer built.

Every penny counts and when used and circulated, it must each bring back 3 pennies in tangible and intangible returns that can be identified. 

There is more, but I am sure brazilian economic planners get the drift.

As for the actions to end the protests, the govt must make a quick study on how it can use its oil wealth and other revenues to uplift the masses. 

Then spread it out to every assembly person, to disseminate those plan, facts and figures to their voter constituents. Elected representatives must not let the President do everything. He cannot macromanage alone, and must be helped. 

It can be done with organised rallies by state and mayor officials with informal gatherings - BBQs, cakes festivals, flea markets, etc to bring a peaceful environment whereby the elected representatives and leaders of the community - churches and biz, rub shoulders with the common masses, to hear, listen, share, discuss and debate issues F2F.

In the end, no one wants the nation to slide into an economic disaster. The protests cannot continue on indefinately or the economic life of brazil will be strangled. 

The govt had made the right moves, now it only needs REAL follow up decisive actions. 

As for the protest violence, the masses and the security forces should be encouraged to give and offer up any evidences of the culprits performing those acts, eg, by word of mouth, videos or pics. The protest movement had all along been a peaceful one, but some took the opportunity to create chaos and mayhem, and they must be dealt with by both govt and supporting masses.