Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Homosexual marriages - not an Emotional issue, BUT AN ECONOMIC DANGER

It is a sad day today for mankind when another nation that claims to uphold the progress and evolution of mankind - USA - through the unconscionable act by the Supreme Court to overturn the defense of marriage act in California, which is only a precurssor to the entire nation going gay.

There are many claims to the courses of a human going gay, some say it is natural, while others say it is nurtured.

Whatever it is, a homosexual human is still a fellow human, should be accorded all rights as a fellow human being and NOT be discriminated against, even if they wish to seek a common union.

What happens behind closed door is no one's business, so long as no one is hurt or harmed, or tricked into it.

It is not a crime for business enterprises to form a marriage of sorts - mergers and aquisitions, and be protected by the rule of national civil and contractual laws.

Equally so if homosexuals want such unions, so that if one partner reneges, the other have recourse in a court of law.

Most nations do allow civil unions.

HOWEVER, it is a different ballgame if homosexuals want an officially state sanction marriage license so that they can claim ALL benefits of state for such an union which is RESERVED for mankind's evolution amongst heterosexual couples who forms the building block of all society - the family.

No nation can afford it, the way no nation can afford to pay high pensions and medicare for old folks, if there are NO NEW generations to sustain society.

And homosexuals are UNABLE to procreate. Adoption is not a solution for the sanity of that child growing up in an already bewildering world. What will become of him/her?

Next, shall science be abused - creating babies horrifyingly out of plastic bags by the homosexuals couple?

Worse - will all females, espacially poor ones and from poor nations be enslaved so that IVF can be introduced to create the next generations?


Homosexuality coupling and getting state benefits is UNSUSTAINABLE and will result in another economic meltdown one day, evident by the greying population witnessed today by some countries whereby their reproduction rate were greatly lowered and social costs a trememdous burden to the remaining young.

Some claimed that homosexuality coupling is small and will not affect all. BUT unfortunately, that is a lie, because once homosexuality gains acceptance, it becomes a power that cannot and will not be reliquinshed easily.

Instead, it will attempt to protect such powers and rights to extremes. Education and twisting of young's minds to encourage, grow and foster rise in homosexuality will become the norm.

Political power demographics will shift towards homosexual leaders inorder to protect their rights and executive powers of state, so too will economic and science to bend to their will to enslave future mankind.

No more will heterosexual coupling be allowed, with children growing up not knowing love and reasons for procreation - to take care of one another for life. 

Children becomes commodity and a resource to sustain an unstainable way of life and a hideous future of humanity.

May concerned humans take note of the names of those whom had allowed this growth to happen at this stage of our evolution, so that one day, the next generation of innocent humans will know whom were the unconscionable leaders of society that had enslaved them. 

Homosexuals' sob stories to gain Homosexuals SUPREMACY?

After this SCOTUS decision, rest assured-the gay media in all forms-print and internet, will do anything and everything to get to create homosexual sob stories to tug at the heartstrings of the masses.

Our weakness lays in that most of us DO have compassion and empathy, and is easily swayed ( or swindled) by our compassions. It is only natural, and something the media knows FULL well.

We mankind have to wake up, and be PRAGMATIC, use our heads instead of being manipulated by our emotions. 

The issue right now is not about equality, of which the insignificant and nobody would actively support, but for HOMOSEXUAL SUPREMACY, in that homosexuals whom do not reproduce or build the natural building block of civilisations, are given the full rights of those who do. 

With that right comes power to manipulate legislations, votes and the highest power-executive, to gain supremacy so that these homosexuals whom will grow to become OLD FARTS one day, will have their lifestyle sustained by an enslaved young generation whom will not know how life in the 21st century of truly responsibly free humans were. 

Thus, let us ALL not be fooled. There is more than meets the eye, the way nuclear families - individualism - destroyed age old traditions of family support in USA back in the 70s, which in today's economic crisis, many woke up to realized how important the family is as each support one another - unemployed father to family, or unemployed son/daughter to parents, as they share food, shelter and everything together to survive.

Homosexuality has NOTHING in common with women's right, or black rights, or rights of black marrying white as homosexuals love to allude to.

Those causes DO NOT impinge upon mankind's survival, BUT, sacred marriage right accorded to same sex will either destroy or enslave mankind one day.