Sunday, 23 June 2013

The shame of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Today, 9 innocent fellow humans had been slaughtered by the Pakistan Taliban in Daimar district. 

How MANY MORE innocent fellow humans, of BOTH pakistanis and our world be slaughtered by the radical militants whom had misused and slimed Islam for their criminal anti-human activities?

 Why are Pakistanis so afraid to stand up, and demand ACCOUNTABLITY from their leaders for such atrocities happening on almost a daily scale?

How DARE the Pakistanis call themselves MUSLIMS - followers of the prophet Muhammad and his teachings, allow the heretics to freely roam and kill innocents in an Islamic republic?

Prophet Muhammad had NEVER allowed muslims to freely kill another, let alone innocents. He did not EVEN kill those who oppose him or fought with him but surrendered, and they were even given back their positions as in the case when Mecca was finally won.

Thus, who are these militants and their clerics, who DARED to go against the teachings of the prophet, and unilaterally decided to take the law onto their hands?

Prophet Muhammad laid down laws to the barbaric arabs turned civilised muslims, through moral and ethical guidelines from the Koran for all to follow.

NO action can be taken except by the Ummah through its elected the leader. Prophet Muhammad was the FIRST President of the Islamic Republic,- the head of the Ummah, the moral authority and follower of the moral and ethical guidelines taught by the prophet, while the adminstrators run the affairs of the state, as shown during his lifetime when Mecca was won.

He listen to all, and made the final decision, although it was not necessary as he was the divine messenger and could simply over-ride all, but he did not, and listen instead, to share, discuss and find the best or a better way out of problems, to win the hearts and minds of his followers under his leadership.

President Zardari is the CALIPH of Pakistan. He is the head of the Ummah, and thus the continued slaughters of innocent humans lays in his responsibility for doing NOTHING DECISIVE about it.

The pakistani military is unlike the egyptian military whom are more pragmatic and patriotic. The pakistani military, espacially the ISI intelligence service is self serving and corrupted.

They don't have a clue on how to invigorate the economy, and thus depending on american aid either through outright begging or duplicity of supposed 'terrorist threats' as the only ways it could extort billions to fund its retention on power.

Prez Zardari has a difficult job, but then, being the Ummah's head is never easy, as prophet had found out but had never shirked cowardly from what must be done and courageously set the model for all true muslims to follow.

Prez Zardari has the majority vote and thus majority support, to end this shame upon the Islamic republic of Pakistan, of the majority being held hostage by the minority heretics abusing and killing others tarnishing the name of Islam.

He has the power to demand the radical clerics whom are the radical leaders as they have the powers of influence over the mosque attendees, to answer for their apostasies and set on the right path again.

Innocent pakistani shias who do not support the slaughtering of innocent sunnis in Syria by the beast Assad and supreme apostate Iran Khamenei but only to live in peace under the constitution of Pakistan with right to freedom of worship, as well as other pakistanis of different faiths ARE NOT the enemies.

The enemies are the radical militants whom had taken the law into their own hands, hurt and harmed innocents, abused the teachings of prophet Muhammad who had given the barbaric arabs the RULE OF LAW to progress and evolve beyond the 7th century.

He has the power to demand the PM and Cabinet to fund better alternative intelligence agencies to root out the heretics of Islam and the corrupted, and bring them to justice, so that they can no longer misuse the peaceful religion of Islam ever again. 

He can, and SHOULD do much more, if Pakistan is to survive and be a true Islamic Republic and model to all muslims and fellow humans sharing our world. 


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