Tuesday, 18 June 2013

HumanSlayer Assad Slaughters syrians and then blames it on US-Israeli conspiracy?

After Egypt's President Mursi had closed diplomatic ties with the beast Assad's regime, HumanSlayer Assad accuses President Mursi and all arabs as being fooled into a 'US-Israeli conspiracy to divide the Middle East'.

How long more does the humanslayer and his master - the persian supreme apostate Khamenei want to CONTINUE to take the sunni muslims as idiots and fools???

Was the bullets that roared through horribly the unarmed syrian civilians protesting and seeking for help from the drought back at the start of the revolution fired by americans and israelis?

Nope. It was fired by the regime's brutal thug soldiers.

Was it american and israeli military troops and tanks that blitzkreg through the sunni provinces slaughtering the innocent sunni civilians after the protestors went home?

Nope. They were from the HumanSlayer Assad's military might.

Even a village idiot can identify the regime's troops and colors, how more the rest of arabs worldwide?

If only he had admonished his soldiers for the shooting, compensate the injured and killed, the matter would have ended there and then.

But he had to continue on, to wipe out and make examples of Sunni muslims in Syria, to keep them cowed and submissive under his yoke and his persian master's rapaciousity for Shia control and domination of the arab world. 

Worse still when his persian master send his troops and hizbollah dogs into Syria, along with Emperor Putin's veto and military aid, to help in the further slaughterings of sunni muslims, unabetted even till today with around 100,000 syrians dead and rising. 

And he calls it a 'US-Israeli conspiracy? 

No more will the arabs be fooled, as they had been fooled, and manipulated to die in palestine, not for the palestinians, but to keep the sunnis distracted from the 1200+years of religious sunni-shia strife, and when PLO Arafat wanted peace, he was probably assasinated by he who wanted the manipulation to continue-Khamenei - the more sunnis dead, the lesser he will have to deal with later.

Nor does Saudi Arabia and other well informed muslims around the world can forgive Khomeni's funded bloody assualt upon the holy city of Mecca by his false Mahdi in 1979, which then he deviously and quickly blamed upon USA as the ones whom had done the dead, believed by many ignorant muslims till today.

Even Iranians now had woken up from the dream of freedom in 1979 when the shah was overthrown, with Khomeni throned, who then set up a far worse tyranny than Stalin ever could in Iran, let alone the shah.

For the sake of the many other innocent shia muslims who only want to live in peace, may they be spared as the sunni anger is now very real. It is still not too late to end the shia-sunni conflict. With 1 billion sunni muslims against 300 million shias - it's a no-brainer on who will be wiped out, even if shia Iran gets nukes.

All it needs is for truth to be acknowledged, and the supreme Apostate backs off the sovereign nation of Syria along with his dogs and puppet humanslayer Assad. 

Any other issues will be resolved peacefully within UN, by searching for common grounds to live and let live. We all are only fellow humans, same in many ways and shares the same common aspirations in life - peace, justice, equality, shared prosperity, responsible freedom, love and progress.