SCOTUS reprimanded President Obama for not ending DOMA earlier, while POTUS cheerleeds the homosexual community and hailing SCOTUS's UNCONSCIONABLE over-turning of DOMA.
And all naive americans got fooled by the drama, with the future generations soon to be enslaved.
Homosexuality agenda is beyond religion, as self centred homosexual activitists would love to fool americans using it.
Religion is more than just beliefs - it is a way of life, following moral and ethical guidelines laid down by our forefathers so that we mankind can progress and evolve, and most importantly - survive.
Homophobia, anti-gay, gay haters,etc are words coined by the unconscionable homosexuals to label rational thinkers and hang them like they would do to dogs.
It is one thing to fight for an end to homosexual discrimination, but quite another to destroy the moral, ethical and economic institution of marriage.
What the self centred homosexuals, President Obama,Chief Justice John Roberts. Justice Antonin Scalia, Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer and Elena Kagan, and homosexual supporters whom may HAVE other agendas to use this issue for their own purposes, had done, is to stupidly BELIEVED that it was only a fuddy duddly religious issue, AND NOT a moral, ethical and economic reason to disallow same-sex marriages.
Californians are known to be sefishly laid back, and the other same sex approved states have far too many naively compassion but ignorant americans whom approved that law.
Their form of democracy is mob rule - referendums, and had resulted in the economic bankruptcy of that state for years. Now with this same sex marriage support, they lead in another insolvency - moral/ethical bankruptcy.
Laws come from the people, but only through its legislatives whom will share, discuss and debate within state and federal congress, to implement and enforce laws.
It cannot be left to the masses on a referendum, whom may not have the intelligence, the foresight, or even the interest other than to show up and mark an X on a paper.
USA is a christian nation, made up of 95% christians. This demographic CANNOT be denied or hidden by the minority 5% whom will do everything they can - from sob stories to alluding to greater numbers to sway and fool americans to their immoral and unethical conduct.
We have yet to see a ten million homosexual support march, let alone a 300 million american one. A few staged protests DO NOT SPEAK on behalf of the majority.
Actors and artistes are no doubt influential, but they are corrupted by the earnings they can make using such influences. Money is all that they cared about. Strip them of their money and opportunities to make money through such influences, and see if they would do the same. They won't.
Neither can lawmakers and the President deny such facts, or it will only stand in alienating the 95%, half of them whom may not be fully aware of the consequences of supporting the homosexual agenda.
There is no telling what the silent 95% will do and all we can hope and pray for that they would only share their concerns, discuss and debate with their families, relatives, friends, community leaders and state representatives PEACEFULLY, so that mistakes can be corrected and America returns to the right track.
There is no shame in making mistakes. We all do. But there will be great shame if we refuse to acknowledge our mistakes and correct them, as future generations will be harmed, if not doomed.
May President Obama and the unconscionable majority half of SCOTUS calm down and look at the facts and figures confronting the nation with their decision, and not rely on emotion alone to decide the fate of the country.
The economic dangers spelt out is on my previous post before this post. If that is not enough, ponder upon the fact that the high profile homosexual Winsor, is entitled to over $200,000+ in tax refunds as DOMA is now struck down, and that's just one 'incapable of family building block' homosexual.
How much more will straight american families be made to pay to all of the other homosexuals whom will make those claims? How much more will social expenditure meant for straight children capable families are to be denied for them, so that there is more to give to homosexuals?