1. There is no use to talk to the Taleban. They are only puppets and dogs of their masters - Pakistan,Iran and the opium fields drug lord tribal leaders. It is them - the troika that the West needs to talk tough to if it hopes to bring peace to Afghanistan.
Afghanistan shares common borders with Iran and Pakistan, and both are insecure states, whom will not want to see a stable Afghanistan next door.
a. The Pakistan military and spy agency ISI are well documented as supporting and protecting the Taleban. The military leaders have no clue as to how to progress their nation economically, and thus the use of the Taleban as 'terrorists' to fool US and the West to give economic aid to Pakistan to ensure their hold to power.
They do not keep their promises to wipe out the Taleban, but only throw up a few fools now and then to keep the west satisfied that they are working.
As long as the west is still engage in Afghanistan, military aid will continue to Pakistan. But once the west packs up and leave, that aid will dry up, and thus the continued destablization by Pakistan in Afghanistan to keep the west there.
Worse, the Pakistan military can easily supply pakistani village idiots and fools even of military calibre as troop support for the afghanistan Taleban - a never ending supply.
Therefore, the Taleban are only working for Pakistan, because if they did not, they would not have continued with the attacks but wait till the west armies leave, and have the whole land to themselves.
b. Iran is a Shia muslim state, and will not want the largely Sunni muslim Afghanistan (85%) to succeed and later pose a threat to shias, as the shia-sunni conflict of 1200+ years had not ended yet. Sadam's Iraq and once peaceful Lebanon today is the result of his insidous destabilization doings.
Thus, the supreme apostate Khamenei had cunningly supplied the village idiotic Taleban with military equipment, to create as much chaos as possible in Afghanistan.
c. The opium fields Tribal leaders will have much to lose if Afghanistan is stable, as those fields would be destroyed and they will lose a significant chunk of economy and ruling control over their far flung provinces.
They subscribe to NO religion except the barbaric ancient tribal customs which the prophet Muhammad had sought to ERADICATE.
Islam is but a convenient religion to control their groups and fools to do their bidding. Thus, they are willing to sell their souls to the highest capable bidders for protection of their way of life and become traitors if need be while fooling others that they are religious warriors.
3. The situation as it stands is that the Caliph of Afghanistan - the President, Ummah of the Islamic Republic, calls the shots.
With him lays the moral authority as taught by the prophet to settle the situation, either by peace or war with the Jahiliyyah barbaric Taleban
With his moral authority as the Caliph, every muslim in Afghanistan owes their allegience to him while he serves his term till the next elected president. and must support his policies, wholeheartedly once the issue had been freely debated and decided.
It is a no brainer that the Jahiliyyah Taleban have to be eradicated, for their way is not one of progress, but a destruction of Islam as the prophet had intended for the progress and evolution of arabs.
Thus each and every afghani must not support the barbarian heretics or be fooled by them and their crocodile tears, but to inform on them to the authorities, and every able bodied muslim must do their part to bring the Taleban to justice - dead or alive.