Friday, 28 June 2013

Traitor Snowden - Too Dangerous to be left Free

Many presume the Traitor Snowden is only some low level operator at NSA like Bradly Manning in the military. That would be a foolish presumption.

Traitor Snowden has no degrees, no formal schooling in computer science, no rank, and yet - how did he managed to get into the rarified air of NSA, the top of the top in computer and tech intelligence dept?

There are some humans in our world who are gifted in a particular subject, though not ALL, and needs no formal schooling to progress.

They do so as all humans had done since civilisation began - dedication, trial and error, and with that added gift, they set their own route to greatness, and best yet, their minds untouched and unspoilt by the rigours, the dogmatic and schematic progressional path laid by educators.

Traitor Snowden is one such human.

Rare few more such humans exist for centuries which account for our evolution, but did not and do not SELL OUT to their own country + mankind the way Traitor Snowden did.

Bradly Manning and Assange are mere script kiddies when compared against Traitor Snowden.

Traitor Snowden may had been one of the team members who CREATE Prism itself, and thus his value to NSA, and offered to oversee the operations at NSA as the few contractors there.

However, a computer whiz kid he may be, but he is not an intelligent man in other fields, proven when he fled to Hong Kong and worse, stupidly chosed Moscow as transit.

Russia had spent billions for years on spying american tech. Here comes a valuable asset from NSA, and Putin is certainly not a fool to let him go anywhere else, at least not until he tried everything to get that traitor to offer up NSA secrets and techniques, willingly or unwillingly.

Ecuador is no humanitarian state, or respects humanitarian aspirations. All Ecuador sees is an intelligent computer expert whom can be USED for its own purpose, to innovate and improve his cottage industrial base into the 21ar century, or sell NSA secrets to foreign nations, including to terrorists.

Thus Ecuador is willing to sacrifice the trade deal with USA, as when it gets the traitor, Ecuador stands to earn much more, It is not and never about 'sovereign rights'. Only fools and the cowed citizens of Ecuador would believed that.

When the REAL Ecuadorian masses realizes the sacrifices they have to make, giving up the lucrative preferential trade deal with US that saw their economy boomed without relying on cocaine production of the past which saw extreme violence to all levels of society as Mexico is now embroiled in, for an american traitor, of which the ecuadorian dollar is still the US dollar, an Ecuadorain Spring will come naturally, if the Ecuador Prez still insist on belligerence and citizen survelliance upgrade of Ecaudor through the traitor Snowden.

The traitor has a value, similar with Assange, and both are FOOLS to think Ecuador has a heart. It had none.

It has a habit of not playing by international rule of law. In 2008, with cash reserves in billions, it refused to honor its debt of a few mere millions to international lenders whom had helped it overcome its own financial crisis in 99. Ecuador has no honor & is PREPARED to screw mankind anytime.

It always begin with a simple request - how do you say a simple 'hello' in the language you used that will be recognised in WWW so that we can teach our kids, to how do you enter the computers of pedophiles so as to find out whom had been harming society, so as to uncover NSA groomed and funded techniques through the traitor and the self taught Assange even while they are in captivity. There is no free lunch in our world, may Assange and the traitor wakes up.

Ecuador will eat both Assange and the traitor alive, suck their bones to the marrow, boil the remaining bones as soup and feed the dogs with the leftover unchewable bone.

While the traitor can be fooled by Assange and Ecuador, he may not be fooled by Russia to be used. It would be useless to force or use chemicals to induce him to co-operate, as his gift is natural and must come out natually.

Thus, he is of no use to Russia, and Putin best pack him back to USA, whereby he can be kept locked up for the next 30 years or more, His gift is dangerous to our world if it falls into the wrong hands such as terrorists.

He had proven himself ignorant and stupid in other fields, and had proven capable of breaking his own oath to the organisation and Constitution. There is no telling what else he will do in his proven stupidity, and thus he must be stopped and incarcerated.

As for his chinese connection, the chinese, whom may had been the instigator of it all but turned tail at the last minute, they are fools if they think they can decipher his codes and computer lingo used through the confisication of his laptops. Even the professor and inventor of computer science is not able to do that, for it is a programe that follows only the whiz kid's path and direction unknown to another human.

According to the Gaurdian journalists, the traitor's files were supposed to be leaked at a later date, but somehow, was brought forward to the US-Russia summit date. It certainly embarassed US, but the connection of the leak from the traitor to China cannot be discounted.

The Traitor Snowden is TOO DANGEROUS to be let free. He must be thrown behind bars for a long time and kept off the computer and books, so that by the time he served his time, computer science would have evolved far beyond his senile comprehension, as what he knew would only be a dinosaur's relic.