Over the past months, we had seen the deprivations of the Muslim Brotherhood - human sacrificing,violence, lying, burning churches, killing children of the Book, alluding that Morsi is 'infalliable' as if he is a god, and worse of all, DESECRATING Mosques THICK & awash with human blood!
These are not the works of Islam or muslims.
But this is not unusual of MB. They had DARED desecrate the holy city of Mecca by shedding blood using a false 'Mahdi', supported by the persian apostate Khomeni in 1979, who falsely blame american agents as doing those deeds to ignonorant muslims, believed even till today.
Many muslims are indeed ignorant of the Koran, not by choice, but by circumstances. Many of them had been kept stupid,and served as slaves to the powerfully corrupt leaders, in the countrysides,for ages.
Thus, they were easily manipulated by Koran verses, which can be mis-interpretated in any way by the learned if those villagers had not read and comprehended not only the Koran, but the life of Prophet Muhammad himself.
This was how Islamists and MB managed to carved out supporter base and strongholds in most muslim nations, similar in the way the devil Mao made use of simple villagers to gain power.
Although the simple villagers were experts on soil, yields and agriculture, there were helpless before the manipulative, and empower them with loyalty and faith in those false gods.
Therefore, to reversed this horrific tragedy - the misuse of Islam for personal political gain, the villagers need to be RE-EDUCATED on the TRUTH of Islam, the religion of peace.
1. Re-education of Islam must be made compulsory in the countrysides and villages for 1 year. There is NO compulsion in Islam, but for one to be a muslim, he/she must know and understand Islam, and thus the necessity for re-education, to clean up the radicalism and fundamentalism misinterpretation.
2. Farmers,traders, etc living there will go for the Free re-education centres. Those who do not will be made to pay fines, with the highest fines -confisication of land and eviction of homes.
Those who keep awake during those lectures of 2 hours daily 6 days a week after work - 7pm to 9pm will get tax rebates as incentives.
3. Those centres will be made of large tents fitted with fans, with projector systems to display the teachings - repeated and reinforced daily from eminient imans in Egypt, with army as security.
For radicals who wants to desecrate those centres by bombing it, they can go ahead, as another one can be cheaply replace within hours.
If the radicals bomb those centres with villagers inside, it will only help the re-education be faster - as they will lose the support of victim families in those close knitted communities.
4. The content for the re-education of Islam will be based more upon the central tenets of the Koran - peace, harmony,responsibilities,etc - civilisation traits, rather than focus upon individual verses which will only be too complex and easily misinterpretated for simple folks.
Such responsibilities will lay with the Ministry of Religious Affairs who will ensure and regulate imans so that only those who are qualified are allowed to teach, and not just anyone who claims he heard a voice. The prophet had already warned, he is the LAST messenger from Allah. There are no other.
Ultimately, the aim of Allah through His divine messenger Prophet Muhammad is to uplift the barbaric arab people to civilisational status, away from the Jahiliyah traditions.
Do not do unto others what you do not want others to do unto you, sanctity of life, peace, equality, justice, shared prosperity, responsible freedom, progress of society/Ummah/Community are the main themes of the Koran, and should be emphasized regularly, as it is the very same common ground shared by all humans living on this planet.
What MB taught was tyranny and enslavement of the villagers for MB glory, not freedom or democracy. Freedom is a power, and with that power,comes responsibilities to oneself and others within shared spaces.
Overtime, the stranglehood by MB will be broken, and the villagers freed to know Islam as it was meant to be. The govt cannot use tanks alone to break that strangehood, for bullets alone cannot destroy ideologies, even twisted ones.
Only the truth and a better idealogy can defeat falsehoods.
Monday, 19 August 2013
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
Human Rights law a step before Divine Laws
A teacher cannot succeed in teaching a 5 yr old child the subject of Calculas or Astrobiology, simply because he lacks the necessary foundations of the 3 'r's-reading,writing & arithmatics, coupled with continued exercises to build up those foundations over time.
Similarly, for mankind to even comprehend Divine Laws, we would need at least some basic foundations of Human Rights Laws - principles of civilisation, before we can fully comprehend the Divine.
Our divine teachers had only limited lifetime to teach us, and very often, we flawed mortals often MISINTERPRETATE those laws by the many.
And thus, our empirical failures proven time and time again over centuries.
Therefore, we would need to slow down and reflect on how best we can evolve, by first understanding the very basics of civilisation - learning to live and work together for common aims with every diverse mortal, not by the sword, but by sharing, dialogue and discussions to find the way forward out of the jungles.
The golden rule of civilisation had always been 'do not do unto others what you do not wish others to do unto you'. This is the very basic civilisation trait we mankind must first learn and imprint upon our daily behaviour.
Next will be to never ever kill another fellow human being, for each life is precious and means something special to another, unless in defence of oneself and loved ones when all means of resolution had been tried and exhausted within the community.
Eversince the formation of the UN, mankind had tried to formulate common standands of behaviour to acheive progress and evolution. It is known as the Human Rights Charter.
Within that charter, it basically teaches us each and every Earthborn human, that no matter the differences such as religion, nation, white,black, etc, we all DO shares common aspirations. They are - equality, justice, peace, love, shared prosperity, responsible freedom & progress.
Those are the common grounds that all humankind can stand upon, inorder to resolve any conflict.
It is only when we adopt the Human Rights Charter as a society and nation, and governed by it, learn it by heart and make it a way of life, then can we ever hope to rise to the next step - Divine Laws.
Failure to do so will only result in our irresponsiblities to civilisation, apathy, stagnation and worse - regression back to the jungles.
Mankind had spent centuries trying to figure out Divine Laws. They are simple, but the complex minds of flawed mortals only tarnish them by the evil we do - corruption, lust, etc. It happened in all mainstream religion - Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, etc, and as such, we evolved slowly, far too slowly for the potential that is within each of us humankind.
Take Islam for example. For 1200+years, Shariah laws are still being defined, to relate to muslims and to the rest of mankind sharing our world in economics, science & tech, and even with its own growing population & wealth,or the lack of it.
There is NO complete agreement on how Koranic principles be applied in this modern century. Thus many used different interpretations, and often result in deadly consequences for others.
Even the prophet Muhammad knew that it will take time, a long time for the true comprehension of his teachings tasked by Allah, to the largely barbaric and uneducated arabs, and thus his final prophecy that one day, a new educated generation will comprehend those teachings as it was meant to be - societal inclusive principles to live by and not exclusive contextual guides to kill one another.
It is the same with other religions sadly.
Therefore, there is a need for religion to reflect, and take a step back - learn, teach and use the Human Rights Charter as a way of life first, before we make that evolutionary step up.
It is time to grow up. We cannot be forever 5 year olds. We mankind have a destiny to fulfill - to the stars as one human race sharing common goals in life....
Similarly, for mankind to even comprehend Divine Laws, we would need at least some basic foundations of Human Rights Laws - principles of civilisation, before we can fully comprehend the Divine.
Our divine teachers had only limited lifetime to teach us, and very often, we flawed mortals often MISINTERPRETATE those laws by the many.
And thus, our empirical failures proven time and time again over centuries.
Therefore, we would need to slow down and reflect on how best we can evolve, by first understanding the very basics of civilisation - learning to live and work together for common aims with every diverse mortal, not by the sword, but by sharing, dialogue and discussions to find the way forward out of the jungles.
The golden rule of civilisation had always been 'do not do unto others what you do not wish others to do unto you'. This is the very basic civilisation trait we mankind must first learn and imprint upon our daily behaviour.
Next will be to never ever kill another fellow human being, for each life is precious and means something special to another, unless in defence of oneself and loved ones when all means of resolution had been tried and exhausted within the community.
Eversince the formation of the UN, mankind had tried to formulate common standands of behaviour to acheive progress and evolution. It is known as the Human Rights Charter.
Within that charter, it basically teaches us each and every Earthborn human, that no matter the differences such as religion, nation, white,black, etc, we all DO shares common aspirations. They are - equality, justice, peace, love, shared prosperity, responsible freedom & progress.
Those are the common grounds that all humankind can stand upon, inorder to resolve any conflict.
It is only when we adopt the Human Rights Charter as a society and nation, and governed by it, learn it by heart and make it a way of life, then can we ever hope to rise to the next step - Divine Laws.
Failure to do so will only result in our irresponsiblities to civilisation, apathy, stagnation and worse - regression back to the jungles.
Mankind had spent centuries trying to figure out Divine Laws. They are simple, but the complex minds of flawed mortals only tarnish them by the evil we do - corruption, lust, etc. It happened in all mainstream religion - Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, etc, and as such, we evolved slowly, far too slowly for the potential that is within each of us humankind.
Take Islam for example. For 1200+years, Shariah laws are still being defined, to relate to muslims and to the rest of mankind sharing our world in economics, science & tech, and even with its own growing population & wealth,or the lack of it.
There is NO complete agreement on how Koranic principles be applied in this modern century. Thus many used different interpretations, and often result in deadly consequences for others.
Even the prophet Muhammad knew that it will take time, a long time for the true comprehension of his teachings tasked by Allah, to the largely barbaric and uneducated arabs, and thus his final prophecy that one day, a new educated generation will comprehend those teachings as it was meant to be - societal inclusive principles to live by and not exclusive contextual guides to kill one another.
It is the same with other religions sadly.
Therefore, there is a need for religion to reflect, and take a step back - learn, teach and use the Human Rights Charter as a way of life first, before we make that evolutionary step up.
It is time to grow up. We cannot be forever 5 year olds. We mankind have a destiny to fulfill - to the stars as one human race sharing common goals in life....
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